Tribe Interactive is a Verified WooExpert

wooexpert tiers

In the beginning of October, WooCommerce announced that they would be shifting away from their Affiliated Woo Workers program and moving toward a system that offered people an easier way to find experienced, professional WooCommerce experts and specialists. As WooCommerce noted, “We needed to give our customers a reliable, accurate way to find an expert in their area who specialized in what they wanted help with.”

Enter WooExperts.

WooExpert badge

According to WooCommerce, “a WooExpert is a vetted and verified developer or agency specializing in Woo products.” In order to be accepted as a WooExpert, developers and agencies must:

1) Have knowledge of WooThemes and/or WooCommerce.
2) Have experience with Woo products.
3) Have examples of customers utilizing WooThemes and/or WooCommerce in their portfolio.

I’m happy to announce that Tribe Interactive has been selected as a verified member of the newly-formed WooExperts program! We’re proud to be listed among some great WooCommerce specialists, developers, and agencies. You can check out our official WooExperts showcase page here.

 If you’re looking for some expert advice or development help for your WooCommerce website, we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch and see how we can take your WooCommerce store to the next level!

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